"Next time is next time. Now is now."
The movie, Perfect Days captures the deeply moving and poetic reflection on finding beauty in the everyday world around us. If you saw this movie, you may remember this scene between the main character and his niece when she asks him if he wants to go to where the river meets the ocean, right now on their bicycles. He says, "next time." The niece asks "when's that?" "Next time is next time. Now is now." I especially love how she soaks in and repeats his words, and then they both get on their bicycles and ride off singing, "next time is next time, now is now!"
It's striking to me how powerful words can be...has anyone said to you, "just relax?' Funny, for me it really does not help me to relax. However, the words, next time is next time, and now is now, immediately calms my system, and I feel a knowingness of ease, relaxation, and relief in my body,.
Maybe, try it...when caring for your baby after being up with them for many hours, hold them close, look into their eyes and say to yourself, "now is now." Or after struggling to skillfully put your crying baby into the carseat to get to an appointment, say to yourself, "next time is next time."
I hope all parents can feel the grace in these words? And, I hope all parents know they deserve the grace in these words? Growing, birthing, and nurturing children can be life's greatest joy and yet it also reveals where we may need to change or improve and evolve...breathe in, slow down, soak in, and go gently...now is now.
Warmly, gina
watch Perfect Days
movie clip
Hope to see YOU at the Birth Fair!
Sunday April 28
Fairhaven CruiseTerminal
New Infant Massage Class for Dads and their Babies
This course will empower DADS to feel useful, competent, and skilled in the care of their newborn. Come learn the skills for nurturing touch, recognizing cues, attending to your baby’s needs, how to soothe, and bond with your baby.
Baby massage is a powerful bonding gateway for dads. The four essential elements of bonding—touch, eye contact, vocalization, and smell—are present every time a mom breastfeeds their child. When a dad massages their baby, these essential elements are also present!
Research shows that dads have a significant and meaningful role in their children’s development. When dads take an active role in their child’s life and growth, this care and support helps the child develop into a happy, healthy, academically successful, and emotionally intelligent young adult. Further, if dads model a positive and equal relationship with their partner, their children are more likely to cultivate similar relationships when they grow up.
The bond between father and child starts early. Dads who care for and bond with their baby between the ages of 0-18 months old, are more likely to stay involved, actively care for their child, and be instrumental throughout their children’s lives in their health and well-being.
Join me for this 5-week baby massage class for dads ONLY. In each class we will talk about infant development, learn strokes, and take time for “dads only” group discussion. Together with other dads and their babies you will gain confidence in your role as dad, and in caring for your baby, while becoming an equal partner in the care of and nurturing of your newborn.
May 11 - June 1, 2024
September 14 - October 12
Saturday's 10:30am - 12:30pm
The Pilates Studio of Bellingham in Fairhaven
".. our emotional needs often are our wounds. And when they are, it's especially important that we proceed with care. We thus need to recognize them and to tend to them if we are to have any hope of exiting the conflict and reactivity loop. If we can identify and express our origin wound, we are well on our way to being seen, heard, and understood"
--The Origins of You
Book Recommendations:
Parent Faves
The Gottman Institute's
Bringing Baby Home Couples Workshop
I have been teaching this class for many years now and I often hear from seasoned couples that the BBH course has been and continues to be the most helpful + supportive class they took prior/after to having a baby. More so than birth preparation classes. They report using + striving towards the skills, tools, concepts, and resources they gained while in the class.
WATCH FOR my BBH refresher class launching soon! (thanks Billie)
I would love to hear from you! Let me know what you find interesting and enjoy in this newsletter. Please share your favorite books, classes, products or resources that have made a difference in your life this year! You can leave a comment on my Facebook/Instagram page or EMAIL me directly. Subscribe below if you would like to receive updates on upcoming classes and this yearly newsletter. Thank you!
April 2023
Fifth Edition
Year in Review:
Wheeee.. 2023!
Since last spring, a new normal has begun to settle in, which has included being back in families' homes! It has been wonderful to see families in person and to be able to support more than one family at a time! The best part has been to be free from the anxiety and fear of newborns and their parents becoming sick. Or the fear of spreading sickness to them!
I have been fortunate to be with some amazing families this year! In person, as a postpartum doula and also virtually, in the teaching of the Bringing Baby Home Workshop. Additionally, I have been lucky to teach Infant Massage privately to a couple of families.
Remarkable!! All of the families I have supported this year, have been remarkable! The intention, resiliency, energy, care, love, partner support, willingness to learn, adapt, grow, and change has been so beautiful to experience first hand. To be a part of these families' evolution, in some small way, has been pure joy!
This has been a year of regrouping...
finding balance and creating joy. In the face of much loss, change, and unpredictability. Settling in, getting my feet back underneath me, and leaning into what is, right now, right here in this moment has given me much strength and hope.
Warmly, gina
Nicholas and I at the Market! Nicki will be 3 in May! He brings me so much Joy!
Parent Faves
Kyte Baby
Original Bamboo Sleep Bag
A favorite for newborns and parents. Made with cozy soft bamboo fabric. They come in sweet colors and patterns.
Magnolia + Micha with their Mom
light finger taps
starting up along the clavicle
and in and around the arm pit moving down towards the
areole and nipple.
TO SWADDLE OR NOT TO SWADDLE that is the question? Yes! Newborns prefer to be swaddled. As they settle in, some newborns prefer arms out, and may prefer arms out of their swaddle. So arms free in a swaddle or a sleep bag.
Bringing Baby Home 4 Week Workshop
Online Tuesday evenings 6:30-9:00 PM
May 2-23
July 11-August 1
September 5-26
November 7-28
Cost $200
Go to lovebubble's booking page to register
Bringing Baby Home
Two Day Workshop
In partnership with Bellingham Technical College
April 29 - 30
In Person, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Onward Bellingham Physical Therapy
Bellingham Birth Collective Presents
A special event to connect parents and parents-to-be with our communities resources and to connect with the amazing providers.
April 22
Squalicum Boat House
Parent + Baby Massage
4 Week Series, $105
June 3-24
August 5-26
October 7-November 4
Online Saturday Mornings
Book Recommendations:
Awake Where You Are
The Art of Embodied Awareness
By Martin Alyward The body is of course integral to meditation, but there are only a few books that focus this specifically on the body and the meditative experience. Awake Where You Are addresses that need, and additionally integrates psychological concepts, which provides a more familiar entry point for people less familiar with Buddhism. (excerpt taken directly from martinalyward.com ) I became familiar with Martin's teachings while engaged in a conference focused on teens. I am so grateful for Martin's easily digestive teachings and his joyful and easeful way of being.
How to Love
By Thich Nhat Hahn
This is a lovely little pocket sized book easily handy for wonderful and essential inspirations along the way. Thich What Hahn series includes: How to Fight, How to Connect, How to Sit, How to Walk, How to Eat, How to Relax and How to Focus.
"Today in the West, we are waking up to the importance of cocooning baby in the weeks following birth. The understanding that he (or she) is not quite ready to meet the world-at-large when he emerges is still in an early stage of development that's come to be known as the "fourth trimester" has awakened us to the value of holding him close and sheltered for some weeks, so he can shift slowly and gradually into life outside the womb."
--the first forty days
Me, Nicholas + Fay
early spring 2023
I would love to hear from you! Let me know what you find interesting and enjoy in this newsletter. Please share your favorite books, classes, products or resources that have made a difference in your life this year!
You can leave a comment on my Facebook page or EMAIL me directly. Please subscribe below if you would like to receive updates on upcoming classes and this yearly newsletter. Thank you!
April 2022
Fourth Edition
Year(s) in Review:
The past two years mark a time of great reflection where to begin...
In early March 2020, when our lives began to change drastically - in lieu of feeling complete hopelessness, fear and uncertainty, I started Free Zoom infant massage lessons — relaxation + connection + massage. This felt like one small thing I could do to support families during this time of isolation and anxiety. Many families and their babies joined me in this cozy setting where we shared feelings about the virus, lockdown, the many safety protocols, and the unprecedented alterations to our family and work lives. We also shared our gratitude and joy for our children, extended families, and friends. Parents learned and practiced the massage strokes during our class time, providing them with the opportunity for bonding and a chance to breathe in and connect with other parents in similar circumstances.
The weekly lessons became a reliable safe harbor for many folks, and a hopeful, inspiring weekly event for me!
Our lives had been turned upside down but in May of 2020, just two months into the worldwide pandemic, my little nephew Nicholas was born!! Little Nicki's arrival was the one bright shinning light in the midst of it all. As challenging as the pandemic was, I am so grateful to have had loads of time to be an integral part of the nurturing and caring of my nephew, as auntie and postpartum doula, in those first precious moments of his life. Today, my nephew can almost say my name, he calls me Gigi," and is on the verge of speaking in full sentences - both in English and Polish!
My relationship with time shifted further in this past year, when I picked up the book
Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mere Mortals by Oliver Burkeman (see below). This book questions our perceived concept of time, how we think about it, use it, and the lack of awareness humans share around it. As I assimilate this new concept of time into my being, I continue to support families as a postpartum doula in their homes, and gratefully do so one family at a time. For now I am teaching Pilates, the Bringing Baby Home Workshop (at BTC) and Infant Massage in private sessions...and as time allows will continue to do so.
With a full heart,
Nicholas enjoying a little rest in the snuggleme
Parent Faves
snuggleme Organic Lounger
A favorite for newborns and their parents. Designed to hug your baby's whole body - calming and comforting your baby when you need support.
snuggleme does NOT approve their product to be used for sleeping, in a bassinet or co-sleeping...I have seen parents use the snuggleme for sleeping - but always under supervision.
lovebubble's essential list for the first forty days
Dr Brown's
Options Wide Neck Glass Bottles Anti Colic + Gas with Preemie Nipple
This is the #! recommended bottle AND NIPPLE for breastfeeding babies by IBCLC's, doulas and parents. The Dr Brown's Preemie nipple is the real shinning star though in this bottle - the flow when sucking from this nipple is the most like the flow when nursing.
Bellingham Birth Collective Presents
A special event to connect parents and parents-to-be with the resources available to them!
April 23, 2022
Her Connection Hub
Downtown Bellingham
Breastfeeding Basics & Beyond
Bellingham Technical College - Check for times
Scholarships are available!
registration@btc.edu or 360.752.8350
Bringing Baby Home Workshop
In partnership with Bellingham Technical College
April 20 - May 25, 2022
Online Wednesday Evenings 6:30-8:30
"Today in the West, we are waking up to the importance of cocooning baby in the weeks following birth. The understanding that he (or she) is not quite ready to meet the world-at-large when he emerges is still in an early stage of development that's come to be known as the "fourth trimester" has awakened us to the value of holding him close and sheltered for some weeks, so he can shift slowly and gradually into life outside the womb."
--the first forty days
Book Recommendations:
the first forty days
The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother
Heng Ou with Amely Greeven and Marisa Belger
A gorgeous book for an expecting parent, sister, grandmother, or auntie. The philosophy, recipes, and photos provide insight and inspiration for the postpartum time...keeping in mind that every families experience is their own and may look very different from what this book suggests...all moms and dads are enough, regardless of what, and how they do the first forty days.
Four Thousand Weeks:
Time Management for Mere Mortals
By Oliver Burkeman
This thought provoking, powerful book will keep your mind busy long after you have finished it. In fact, I plan to read it again to further soak in and practice the concepts. Yes, 4000 weeks is the number of weeks in a lifetime, providing you live to be 80 years old. Whew! That alone is mind-blowing!
an inside look at my essential guide to the first forty days
Montessori inspired mobile - just right for newborns vision
Montessori inspired - perfect for the non stop diaper changes and tummy time
All moms, breastfeeding included, can benefit from having a preemie nipple sterilized and ready to go...these nipples are the closest in flow for a nursing baby
Another great item to know about in those first forty days - sometimes mom's may need to supplement or start formula *linked to german version - there are a couple of options
tech faves
Wonder Weeks APP
track your baby's leaps + learn about their development
great cards for your relationship + your love life
Your Parenting Mojo Podcast
my favorite podcast, hands down! check out this one about SLEEP
a quick and easy few minutes of mindfulness that can be just what you need in that moment
1 hour Session $40
5 hour Session $175
Includes bottle of organic massage oil and
the Loving Handbook for Parents
To touch is to give life!
Me and Nicholas
early spring 2021
I would love to hear from you! Let me know what you find interesting and enjoy in this newsletter. Please share your favorite books, classes, products or resources that have made a difference in your life this year!
You can leave a comment on my Facebook page or EMAIL me directly. Please subscribe below if you would like to receive updates on upcoming classes and this yearly newsletter. Thank you!
April 2019
Third Edition
Year in Review:
It has been an enlightening year as I continue to "follow my feet" as a postpartum doula and parent educator. A dear friend imparted this wisdom to me many years ago when I began searching for meaningful work and did not know where to begin. I have found this phrase helpful for myself and for anyone struggling with how to go on...or how to make change...or even, how to care for a newborn. To "follow your feet" means to mindfully take in each step - with grace and without judgement, to ignore or not be negatively influenced by those around you, to listen to your heart, to trust yourself, while with each step letting go of an end goal, expectation or a desired effect. This philosophy has served me well this year!
As a postpartum doula I work very hard to be worthy of my presence in families homes...what does this look like? Oh, I "do" a lot of things, for instance, I change diapers, soothe and swaddle, feed babies a bottle, make a snack for the nursing mom or the older sibling, let the dog out, load the dishwasher, put a load of laundry in the dryer, help prepare dinner...you get the idea. However, sometimes I do not "do" anything - I am "just there." There with an open heart. There as a reliable listener. There as a supportive ally, There to cheer parents on.
This year I have been truly enlightened in the value of "just being there" for families.
As a parent educator whether teaching massage or working with couples, I am deeply enlightened by the power of CONNECTION + LOVE and how it is precisely the one ingredient newborns, children, and parents - all people, NEED.
I am humbled, and truly honored to have worked with many families this year! Thank you for sharing your precious time with me and for allowing me to be a part of your journey.
With a full heart,
This is a special photo taken at the end of a five week parent + infant massage session. I love how the babies are peacefully sleeping after being lovingly massaged by their parents!
MARCH 28 - APRIL 25 and MAY 30 - JUNE 2, 2020
Saturdays from 10:30-Noon in FAIRHAVEN
In partnership with Bellingham Technical College
MAY 2 & 3, 2020
Two day workshop from 9am - 4pm.
Taught by Gina Eiford at BTC
APRIL 14 - JUNE 3, 2020
Wednesdays 1:00-3:00 PM
Due to our current health situation and in respect to social distancing - these classes may be taught through video conferencing.
Book Review: Brain Health From Birth
Nurturing Brain Development During Pregnancy and the First Year
By Rebecca Fett
Brain Health From Birth is a thoroughly researched and heavily cited book. Filled with over 400 references in only 250 pages, this book packs a powerful punch for evidence-based information. Though rich in science, Fett does a wonderful job of keeping it simple, clear and positive. She tackles vaccines, formula vs breastfeeding, safe food, baby products, and everyday household supplies and the affects or possible impacts on the newborn brain. Most enlightening is the chapter devoted to pain and fever relief for babies! Divided into two parts - pregnancy and postpartum, at the end of each chapter she gives helpful advice on what to be concerned about and what not to. Most importantly, she does this without instilling fear or judgement on to the reader. This is so important for parents who are already bombarded with so much pressure from peers, their family and our culture. Parents can also go to Fett's website, Brain Health From Birth, for a list of safe products. This includes skin care, formulas, probiotics, sleepwear, mattresses, and gear. I highly recommend this book and these resources for parents who are expecting or caring for a young child.
BUY ON AMAZON or try at your local bookstore.
Book Recommendations
The Montessori TodDLER
By Simone Davies
I love this book! First, it's beautiful! Second, it encompasses my parenting beliefs. Third, it gives parents and caregivers tools and clear guidance on how to put into practice the teachings of Maria Montessori. This book is inspiring, beautiful and practical!
Beyond Behaviors
Using Brain Science and Compassion to Understand and Solve
Children's Behavioral Challenges
By Mona Delahooke, PhD
Wonderful, enlightening, thought provoking, and inspiring book. It will change how you think about your child's behavior. The message in this book is that children's behaviors have a deeper meaning...bringing children in close, rather than ignoring or putting them in a time out...is the key. Every human being craves and desires to be close
to the people in their lives.
A Stress-Free Guide to Your Baby's Behavior
By Hetty van de Rijt, PhD, Frans X. Plooij, PhD, and Xaviera Plas-Plooij
Great resource for parents - explains developmentally what your baby is experiencing during 10 predictable leaps and how parents can manage and support their baby. Offers "anchor moments" for self-care during these leaps that nurture parents resiliency and innate love for their child.
Listening to My Body
By Gabi Garcia Illustrated by Ying Hui Tan
Great book thoughtfully presented. Helps
parents to build on their child's capacity
to engage mindfully, self-regulate and deepen their sense of well-being. This awareness ultimately helps parents and children when communicating and processing normal everyday issues and the more challenging things that can come up.
So many wonderful books...
for more recommendations check out My Favorite Books here.
Your Parenting
Research Based Ideas to Help Kids Thrive
Your Parenting Mojo Podcast and Blog is a trusted source for all things related to parenting + life! Hosted by Jen Lumanian - this is a thought provoking, gut affirming, and nurturing podcast.
Here is a list of my TOP 5 podcasts!
Episode 103: How to raise child who uses
their uniqueness to create happiness
communication to parent more peacefully
Episode 075: Should we Go Ahead and Heap Rewards On Our Kid?
Episode 088: Setting loving – and effective –limits
BONUS: There are several more thoroughly researched, mind shifting, and relevant episodes: Patriarchy (most enlightening, part two is coming up soon), sleep, attachment, play, the father's role, privilege, gender, self-regulation, parenting HSP children, and oh so much more!
What are the Benefits of Infant Massage?
There is an abundance of research and a plentitude of anecdotal evidence from families revealing the many ways babies and parents benefit from infant massage. These benefits can be grouped into four categories:
Interaction + Stimulation + Relief + Relaxation
In each five week session I strive to share these many benefits with families. However, usually after the first class, parents begin to experience the numerous benefits first hand. By the last class parents and babies understand these many benefits and need no further explanation. The massage then becomes a natural, loving part of their daily lives.
Promotes Bonding + Secure Attachment
Stimulates Mind + Body Awareness
Relieves Gas + Colic
Promotes Relaxation through Improved Sleep
Parent Favs
Favorite "baby things" from parents
DermaFrida skin smoother for cradle cap - parents love!
MediFrida accu-dose pacifier
for medications - parents found this the best for giving baby an accurate dose that stays down!
Check out all the FridaBaby products HERE.
Parents say they can't live without
this chair! It comes in many different
colors and darling toys for baby to
play with.
Baja Baby
body lotion
Gluten-Free, Vegan-Friendly, Never Tested On Animals, EWG VERIFIED™ Sulfate, Paraben & Phthalate Free - Parents love the softness and how quickly it absorbs.
Click Here for body lotion.
For more safe and healthy skin care products go to Brain Health from Birth Products - click here.
We thought we knew what love was
Until the day we held you
We thought we knew what life was
Until the day we kissed you
Hey ya hey
Hey ya hey
Hey ya hey
Excerpt from Welcome Song for Baby
A lullaby for newborns
Richard Van Camp
Also by this author We Sang You Home
(a sweet sweet book, and a favorite)
Me, Fay and Rosie
Summer 2019
I would love to hear from you! Let me know what you find interesting and enjoy in this newsletter. Please share your favorite books, classes, products or resources that have made a difference in your life this year!
You can leave a comment on my Facebook page or EMAIL me directly. Please subscribe below if you would like to receive updates on upcoming classes and this yearly newsletter. Thank you!
April 2019
Second Edition
Year in Review
It has been a tremendous year of growth for me and lovebubble! This year I have continued to support families as a postpartum doula and fertility/ivf doula. I have also volunteered my support in the community with the Nurse Family Partnership and Perinatal Support Washington. I have also devoted many hours and much effort to become a International Association of Infant Massage Certified Educator and a Certified Gottman Bringing Baby Home Educator. Again this past year, I have learned so much and gained an abundance of knowledge! I am extremely grateful to be able to do this work, and to have had the opportunity to work with some wonderful and amazing families.
Warmly, gina
Infant Massage
A class for parents,grandparents
and siblings to learn massage for their baby.
Photo: parents and babies from the First Infant Massage Five -Week Session at The Pilates Studio of Bellingham.
Announcing a second location for lovebubble Infant Massage Sessions at
The Nest in Lynden!
Upcoming Session
May 1 - Mary 29
Wednesday's from
6:00 - 7:30 PM
400 Liberty Street, Lynden
PS-WA Presents:
MARCH 28-30, 2019 Seattle, WA
Perinatal Support Washington is a nonprofit dedicated to supporting families impacted by perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Warm line: 1-800-404-7763. www.perinatalsupport.org
APRIL 6&13, 2019 BTC
The Bringing Baby Home Workshop taught by Gina Eiford in partnership with Bellingham Technical College. To register Call BTC Registration at 360-752-8300 or Email: registration@btc.edu.
APRIL 19-MAY 17, 2019
The Pilates Studio of Bellingham
MAY 1-MAY 29, 2019
The Nest, Lynden
JUNE 1 & JUNE 8, 2019
Bellingham Center for Healthy Motherhood
The Bringing Baby Home Workshop taught by Gina Eiford. BOOK HERE.
JULY 13&14, 2019
The Nest, Lynden
The Bringing Baby Home Workshop taught by Gina Eiford in partnership with Bellingham Technical College. To register Call BTC Registration at 360-752-8300 or Email: registration@btc.edu.
Coming Soon—The Pilates Studio of B'ham
and at The Nest in Lynden
Like a Mother Angela Garbes
A Feminist Journey through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy.
My take: A thought provoking yet empowering read. I wish I would have read this book before having had children.
Available HERE.
Hold On to Your Kids
Gordon Neufeld, Ph.D., and Gabor Mate, M.D.
Why Parents Need to Matter More Then Peers
My take: So grateful I read this book when I did.
Again, a book that I could have really supported me when I was parenting younger children.
Available HERE.
Fatherhood Bruce Linton
My take: YES! A book for dads! This is a book great read for dads as they explore and transition into their role as dad and partner.
Available HERE.
One More Shot
Directer Noah Moeskin
My take: This documentary follows a couple's journey to become parents. This couple shares their vulnerability through the gut wrenching process of infertility. It is inspiring and heartbreaking...
Available on Netflix.
Books and Movies to check out...
My favorite wrap!
I love how easy this wrap is to use and wash. The fabric is soft and light, yet sturdy....and comes in many colors and patterns
A great way for moms and dads to have their baby close and still move around and take care of the normal everyday things.
Check it out!
Click on sollybaby below
Solly Swaddles too!
Bernaras India
March 2019
This amazing video was shared with me by a friend of my sisters. This baby, 3 months old is massaged by his mother and grandmother 5 times a day. I love the happiness and joy in both the mother and baby! The robustness of the strokes is remarkable! I find this video beautiful and timeless, One can imagine how this massage has been passed down from generation to generation. Many of the strokes I teach come from this culture and can be recognized in this video.
I would love to hear
your thoughts...
please share!
Subscribe to lovebubble's Newsletter here...
April 2018
First Edition
DONA International’s primary function is to provide excellent doula education and certification to a diverse population of doulas world-wide. DONA International promotes the highest quality perinatal support for birthing mothers and their families by setting the standard for doula education and training, and by advocating the research-based benefits of doula care.
DONA International is the world’s first, largest and leading doula certifying organization
lovebubble's first year!
Year in Review
It has been a BIG WONDERFUL first year for me!
I have supported SIX families: two baby BOYS, five baby GIRLS, including one set of TWINS, and one SIBLING.
I have earned over 200 hours supporting these families in their homes making it possible for me to complete my certification for DONA and NAPS.
It's official, Gina Eiford PCD(DONA,NAPS).
I have learned so much and gained an abundance of knowledge! I am extremely grateful to be able to do this work, and to have had the opportunity to work with all of these amazing families!
NAPS Mission:
NAPS Doulas creates a diverse and inclusive community for postpartum doulas in the Puget Sound Region through continuing education, peer support and professional advocacy. NAPS Doulas supports the postpartum doula profession by maintaining standards and certification, as well as advancing visibility within perinatal and parenting communities.
Check it out!
Using cloth wipes and a DIY solution together with a diaper wipe warmer you can have soft, warm, sweet smelling wipes to use on your babies bum, face, hands, or anywhere you need.
DIY Solution: (you can double or triple)
1 3/4 Boiling water
1 TBSP Aloe Vera
1 TBSP Witch Hazel Extract
1 tsp liquid castle soap
10 drops vitamin E oil
1 tsp almond oil
Combine together in a large bowl, soak wipes, (as many as you can do) squeeze out excess solution keeping it in bowl, and roll up individual cloths to place in warmer.
Footsteps for Fertility
FUN RUN, Greenlake Park. 10-12 PM.
The Footsteps for Fertility Foundation Grant is a grant which is awarded to couples who require fertility treatments to have children. http://footstepsforfertility.org
March for Moms helps to align and coordinate the efforts of families, healthcare providers, policymakers and other partners who are acting to achieve the best possible health and well-being of all mothers.http://www.marchformoms.org
Bringing Baby Home
APRIL 28-29, 1-7 PM OR
MAY 5 & MAY 12, 10-5 PM
March for Babies
MAY 5, 2018 - Seattle center
8:00AM 3.1 Miles
Green Dream Smoothie
1 medium-size, ripe banana,
peeled and broken into large chunks
1 cup frozen mango chunks
2 cups baby spinach
1 3-inch piece cucumber
1/2 medium ripe avocado, pitted
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
3/4 cup water
1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk
from the PALEO magazine
Great SNAck
Cranberry-Pecan Trail-Mix Clusters
2 cups raw pecans, finely chopped
1/2 cup unsweetened, shredded coconut
1/2 cup dried cranberries
2 TBSP ground flaxseeds
1/2 tsp sea salt
2TBSP creamy, unsweetened almond butter
2 TBSP pure maple syrup or raw honey
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 large egg whites, lightly whisked
1. Preheat oven to 350F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment.
2. In large bowl combine pecans, coconut, cranberries, flaxseeds, cinnamon, and salt.
3. In separate bowl stir together the almond butter, maple syrup, and vanilla. Pour over pecan mixture and stir to coat.
4. Add the egg whites and stir until combined. Drop packed tablespoons onto baking sheets. Bake for about 15 minutes, rotating pan once halfway through, until golden brown and firm. Cool completely. Store in airtight container at room temp for up to 3 days, or freeze for longer storage.